Sunday, November 7, 2010

Upcoming Book Sale

November 13th from 10 AM to 3 PM.

Lots of good things on sale.

Books available in front of the library. In case of rain, the books will be sold inside the library.

Hardbacks will be sold for 1 dollar a piece.
DVDs are 2 dollars.
VHS tapes are 1 dollar each.
Paperbacks will be only 10 cents, so make sure and buy a lot of those!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Summer Reading Program

The Summer Reading Program has been a big success with fascinating programs enjoyed by the young readers and their parents. The National Charity League has sent volunteers to help the staff with each program and were greatly appreciated.

Recognition for Ruth Green

Ruth Green, a life member of the Friends and dedicated volunteer, received recognition from the Lomita City Council on August 2nd for her many years working quietly behind the scenes repairing library books that saved the County many, many dollars. She also archived the history of Lomita that is now in the reference section of the Library and may be viewed by our citizens and patrons. Thank you, Ruth, for your years of devoted service to our Library.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Rich Colbary and Margaret Todd, Librarian, making plans for a community room

Taiko Drum Program April 17, 2010


BOOK SALE A BIG SUCCESS on April, 17th. Next book sale in August.

There is an on-going book sale inside the Library at the entrance. Pay on the honor system.

New and like-new books, videos, DVDs, hard covers, paperbacks and children's books.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Circle of Honor: Jim Cole Recipient January 30, 2010

Jim Cole with three of the speakers who presented Jim Cole with the Circle of Honor Award

Jim Cole, charter member of Friends of Lomita Library, was the first recipient honored by the City of City to begin the Circle of Honor Awards. As one of the founders of the City of Lomita and mayor three times, plus his many activities that bettered the life of all citizens in the South Bay over the past decades. Jim Cole was surrounded by family and friends as his plaque was presented. It can be seen now in the Circle of Honor Garden in front of City Hall.

Golden Spike May 1, 2010 at 1:00

Annual Golden Spike Day will be held Saturday May 1, 2010 at 1:00. All children are invited. Each child will go from station to station to learn of the Continental Railroad and then will create his own booklet to remember the experience.

Chamber of Commerce to meet on March 24

Connie Waters, President Lomita Chamber of Commerce 2009

The Lomita Chamber of Commerce will hold their March mixer at the Lomita Library on March 24th from 5:00 P.M. to 7:00.

This is the business members of Lomita socializing and networking together. Refreshments will be served.

The public is welcome to attend.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Welcome Friends of Lomita Library

Welcome to the official page for the Friends of Lomita Library. This site is dedicated to providing information and media for its members.

You can expect to find updated news and announcements for the friends of the library right here on this web page. We will also post pictures and descriptions of events relating to the library.

If you are a member of the FOLL and would like to join this site as a contributor (i.e. making your own FOLL announcements or posting FOLL pictures) then please contact Ruth Herbert. She is currently in charge of managing content for the website, and we will add others in the future.

I will be managing the site's functions and also act as a mod for the website. If you have any questions specifically about the website, then you may pass them onto me.

Enjoy the website's announcements and photos just for the Friends of Lomita Library.