Sunday, February 28, 2010

Welcome Friends of Lomita Library

Welcome to the official page for the Friends of Lomita Library. This site is dedicated to providing information and media for its members.

You can expect to find updated news and announcements for the friends of the library right here on this web page. We will also post pictures and descriptions of events relating to the library.

If you are a member of the FOLL and would like to join this site as a contributor (i.e. making your own FOLL announcements or posting FOLL pictures) then please contact Ruth Herbert. She is currently in charge of managing content for the website, and we will add others in the future.

I will be managing the site's functions and also act as a mod for the website. If you have any questions specifically about the website, then you may pass them onto me.

Enjoy the website's announcements and photos just for the Friends of Lomita Library.

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding website! Links are excellent and work like a charm.
    Kudos to the developers!
